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.First of all these top three pictures.  The one on the left is from 1 stone. While the one on the right and the one just below are takin from the same stone only turned upsidedown in different lighting.

the stone on the bottom  right with the two visible faces is the first one that i found in the desert in arizona about seventeen years ago , i have named this one9 rock 1) so that i can keep track of all the pictures I see from all sides  and at different angles. if you look closely you might be able to find at least 5 more faces from this view if you change lighting or the angle the picture changes as you will see later on page 1

.the rock above i found this year( 2009 ) in fresno california. It's about  the size of the palm of my hand I call it (the king) because the most visible face on the top left is wearing a crown



 stone above is only half there i will try to show the rest on page2 but the entire length of the stone is about 1 inch long so its a little out of focus.

  This is the fisrt face i saw on ( rock one)  sventeen years ago it's at the top of picture number 5. or( rock 1)